
What is hedging?

In the private market space, hedging involves employing strategies to mitigate the impact of potential risks and uncertainties on investments. The goal is to protect investors from unforeseen events and inevitable market fluctuations alike, mitigating risk and potentially maximizing returns.

Some examples of hedging strategies to offset potential losses or adverse market movements include, but aren’t limited to:

  • Diversification: Spreading funds across different sectors and asset classes, such as alternative assets, to reduce concentration risk
  • Asset allocation: Adjusting the mix of assets within a portfolio based on market conditions to manage exposure
  • Derivative contracts: Leveraging options, futures, or swaps to offset potential losses
  • Short selling: Betting against an asset to profit from a decline in value
  • Put options: Buying the right to sell an asset at a predetermined price, protecting against any potential slips in value
  • Forward contracts: Agreements to buy or sell assets at a future date, locking in prices to protect against market changes
  • Risk Premiums: Allocating funds to strategies that capture risk premiums
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